10 Low-Sodium Foods to Help You Cut Your Salt Intake

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables – Most fresh fruits and vegetables are naturally low in sodium and high in potassium, which can help counteract the effects of sodium in the body. Options like bananas, oranges, leafy greens, and carrots are particularly good choices.

Whole Grains – Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, barley, and oats are excellent sources of fiber and are naturally low in sodium.

Fresh Meats and Fish – Fresh cuts of meat and fish contain natural sodium but are much lower in sodium than their processed counterparts.

Eggs – Eggs are naturally low in sodium and can be a great addition to your diet. Just be mindful of how you prepare them, avoiding adding too much salt or high-sodium ingredients.

Legumes – Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are not only low in sodium but also rich in protein and fiber, making them a great meat substitute for those looking to reduce their sodium intake.

Nuts and Seeds – Unsalted nuts and seeds are great for snacking or adding to meals without increasing your sodium intake.

Low-Sodium Dairy Products – Dairy products can be a significant source of sodium, but low-sodium options like fresh milk, unsalted butter, and some cheeses (such as Swiss, mozzarella, and cottage cheese) are available and can help you reduce your overall sodium intake.

Herbs and Spices – Using fresh or dried herbs and spices can add a lot of flavors to your meals without the need for added salt.

Homemade Soups and Broths – Store-bought soups and broths can be high in sodium, but making your own at home allows you to control the amount of salt used.

Water – While not a food, staying hydrated with water helps your body remove excess sodium through urine. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can support your efforts to lower sodium intake.

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